Ficus Lyrata 30-50 cm | Indoor Plants



Commonly known as Fiddle Leaf Fig is a well-liked houseplant with huge, glossy leaves that resemble violins.

Appearance: The large, leathery-textured, dark green leaves of the fiddle leaf fig are quite distinctive. Usually measuring between 12 and 18 inches in length, the leaves have noticeable veins. The plant itself is a stunning addition to interior areas because of its ability to grow fairly tall.

Care: Ficus Lyrata is relatively easy to care for but does have specific needs:

  • Light: It does best in indirect, bright light. It can withstand a certain amount of direct sunshine, but too much exposure could cause leaf burn.
  • Water: Between waterings, let the top inch of soil dry off. Avoiding overwatering is crucial since it might cause root rot. Make sure the pot drains well.
  • Humidity: It can tolerate typical indoor humidity levels, but it thrives in a humid atmosphere. A humidifier or sporadic misting can be helpful if the air is really dry.
  • Temperature: It thrives in normal room temperatures but should not be near air conditioners, heating vents, or drafts.
  • Growth: When grown indoors, fiddle leaf figs can reach a height of six feet or more. Pruning them can help control their size and shape and promote bushier growth.


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