Codiaeum variegatum Petra 30-40 CM | Indoor Plant



Meet Croton Petra, scientifically known as Codiaeum spp., a vibrant shrub originating from southern Asia and the western Pacific islands. Its bright green leaves feature striking white, bronze, purple, or pink foliage, showcasing its age and beauty.

Looking for a bold addition to your indoor oasis? Croton Petra is your answer. With bright yellow, orange, and black leaf markings, it’s hard to miss and brings vibrant energy into any space. Pair it with colorful pots for an even more captivating look. Once acclimated, this shrub is low-maintenance, making it a perfect choice for any home.

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Croton plants thrive in bright, indirect light. While some varieties tolerate dappled sunlight, they may not do well in direct, unfiltered sun. Insufficient sunlight can cause their leaves to turn green.

Plant Grow Sticker by FastGrowingTrees.comWatering

Keep croton plants evenly moist during summer, aiming for about 1 inch of water per week. In winter, reduce watering to every two weeks. Watch for wilting young foliage as a sign it needs water, especially in hot weather. Check soil moisture by feeling the top few inches before watering. Mist plants frequently during their growth period.

Temperature control Basic Rounded Flat iconTemperature and Humidity

For indoor croton plants, maintain temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit and avoid cold drafts. Humidity levels between 40 to 80 percent are ideal to preserve leaf color; insufficient humidity may cause leaf drop. Use a humidifier or humidity tray to maintain moisture levels, especially if humidity is low.

Adding Fertilizer: Over 395 Royalty-Free Licensable Stock Illustrations & Drawings | ShutterstockFertilizer

Apply slow-release pellets three times per growing season: early spring, midsummer, and early fall. Alternatively, use liquid fertilizer every other month from March to September. Adjust amounts based on growth rate, starting with half the recommended strength. Stop fertilizing in winter. Choose fertilizers with ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, or sulfur-coated urea for slightly acidic soil. Optimal NPK ratios are 3-1-2 or 8-2-10 (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium).




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